Friday, April 12, 2024

Fast Man (Rhythm Only)

Song - Fast Man (Rhythm Only)
Artist(s) - John Colby
Released - 1987
Primetime Usage - 1988
Contained on - Valentino 6162 (Sports Themes), V-CD 13 (Sports Themes)
Featured Highlight - Patriots @ Bills, 1988

The Week 8, 1988 episode of NFL Primetime uncovered recently also revealed a "new" Primetime track.  The regular version of "Fast Man" was used in the very first episode of the show in 1987 (and many times thereafter), but I had not heard the "Rhythm Only" (i.e., underscore) version on a highlight until viewing this episode.  In this clip below, the 3-4 Patriots (QB'd by Doug Flutie) gave the 6-1 Bills a surprisingly good game in Orchard Park.

Unfortunately, the Valentino 1980s compilation album with the regular version of Fast Man does not have the underscore.  The full version of V-CD 13 is on YouTube, though (linked above), so you check out the song there (and no place else that I'm aware of).



Thursday, April 4, 2024

Instant Replay

Song - Instant Replay
Artist(s) - William Soden (likely)
Released - No later than 1988
Primetime Usage - 1988
Contained on - Musikos MS2 (Sports 2)
Featured Highlight - Rams @ Raiders, 1988


Godzfire recently uncovered a few NFL Primetime episodes on YouTube from the late '80s.  Among them was the Week 9, 1987 episode (or Week 10 if you include the strike-canceled week from that season) that was posted by a classic news/commercials/etc. account named ewjxn a month or so ago.  I believe this was the first 1987 episode newly posted on YouTube since Andy Provin posted Week 11 several years ago.  There were also two episodes from 1988 that were embedded at the end of a couple Patriots' game broadcasts from the Classic Pats Games+ account.  The first of those episodes (Week 3) included yet another Musikos song that I hadn't previously heard on a Primetime highlight.  "Instant Replay" is contained on the enigmatic Musikos Sports 2 album, and—just like every other song on Musikos's releases—the artist isn't credited.  I figure it's probably William Soden, but I can't be sure.  At any rate, that now makes 10 Primetime tracks that come from the Musikos Sports series (and I wouldn't be surprised if there's more).

Accompanying Instant Replay is the third-ever "Battle of L.A." between the Los Angeles Rams and the Los Angeles Raiders.  The Jim Everett-led Rams prevailed by 5 points over the Raiders, who were in their only full season under future Super Bowl winner Mike Shanahan, in the Coliseum.  Special thanks to Godzfire for finding these late-'80s NFL Primetime episodes and immediately ID'ing Instant Replay after watching them.